Jessica Lee Stovall

Credentials: Assistant Professor


Website: Jessica Stovall's CV

Short Biography

Jessica Lee Stovall’s research sits at the intersection of Black Studies and education. In her current work, Jessica employs notions of educational fugitivity to theorize how Black teachers co-construct Black space, and how these curated Black-affirming places are rehumanizing and sustaining for Black teachers. Jessica’s research has been generously funded by the Spencer dissertation grant, the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, and the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching grant, among others. Before starting her doctoral studies at Stanford, Jessica taught ELA 11 years in the Chicagoland area.


Stovall, J.L., Pimentel, D., Levine, S., & Carlson, J. (2023). High school mathematics teachers’ noticing of inequitable talk. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Stovall, J. L. (2022). ” We will not be afraid to share who we are”: Black Teachers’ Experiences with Antiblackness during a Global Pandemic. Journal of Negro Education, 91(3), 416-430.

Stovall, J.L., & Mosely, M. (2022). “We just do us”: How Black teachers co-construct Black teacher fugitive space in the face of antiblackness. Race Ethnicity and Education

Stovall, J.L., & Sullivan, T. (2022). “Grant us the sun”: What Black teachers need. Phi Delta Kappan, 18-21

Stovall, J.L. (2022). Integrity despite moral nonrecognition: Why Black teachers are called to teach. Philosophy of Education, 78(1) 150-155. 10.47925/78.1.150 [invited]

Martínez, R., Vieyra, V., Ahmad, N., & Stovall, J.L. (2021). Prefiguring translingual possibilities: The transformative potential of translanguaging for dual language bilingual education. In M. Sánchez, & O. García (Eds.), Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedo (pp. 95-112). Multilingual Matters.

Awards and Honors

NYU Faculty First Look Scholar, New York University 2022

Community Service Award, Stanford Alumni Association 2022

Carl A. Grant Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020

Community Service Award, Stanford Black Community Services Center 2020

Media Presence 

Boals, T. (2022). Conversations with Tim: Building Classroom Communities [Audio Podcast] WIDA.

Hines, M., & Lusiani Elliot, N., (Executive Producers) (2021). Teaching to Meet the Moment [Audio Podcast] Stanford Center for Supporting Excellence in Teaching Podcast.

James, S., Nagan, J., Quinn, G., Skoll, J., Steinberg, B., Weyermann, D. (Executive Producers) (2018) America to Me [TV series] Kartemquin Films, Starz