Dr. Christy Clark-Pujara’s research featured in “Sift & Winnow”

Department of African American Studies chair and professor, Dr. Christy Clark-Pujara, has been featured in UW-Madison’s “Sift & Winnow” newsletter recognizing her innovative research and article published in the Wisconsin State Journal, entitled “Uncovering Wisconsin’s Black History”.

In Clark-Pujara’s piece, she writes: “Black people came to the Midwest by force, coercion, false promises or in search of freedom and liberty. Their presence in this place was part of the disruption and displacement of Indigenous people. These stories are essential to understanding the economic, social, and political development of the state of Wisconsin and the Midwest at large.” Clark-Pujara’s research focuses on the stories of Black northerners and Midwesterners during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.